The Madina Yabisa Information Centre

The Madina Yabisa information Centre
Dalt Vila, Ibiza

The first reference of the Curia´s House dates from 1490, rising on the walls that were part of the triple Arabic defensive enclosure of the district of Dalt Vila. The new use is born from the declaration of the monumental complex of Dalt Vila as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, becoming the information point and visitor center “Madina Yabisa”.

Once the previous archaeological excavations have been carried out, the proposal responds to the new public use, restoring and valuing the singular elements and the recovered structures, and suppressing the added ones. The totality of the complex is restored and the building is extended towards the back garden located outside the walls.

The project is understood as a journey through history, between the ancient walls of the triple Arab enclosure (located below the square-viewpoint) and between the two towers that define the intervention, connecting with the lower gardens.

The elimination of added elements allows us to highlight those of greater singularity and historical value, recovering the architecture and connecting it to its surroundings

The intervention allows the prolongation of the viewpoint of the cathedral square, recovering the space occupied by the old Lonja. The layout of the wall and the primitive Arabic tower, which is visited inside the building, emerge to the surface by the means of a differentiated pavement.

LocationDalt Vila, Ibiza
Completion date2007
Surface515 m²
Budget731.312 €
PromoterConsorci Eivissa Patrimoni de la Humanitat
Ajuntament de la Ciutat d’Eivissa
ConstructorFerrovial Agroman S.A.
TeamXavier Salvador, Pep Ramon Mari, Sonia Serra, architecture. Toni Casas, structure engineering. Toni Roig, facilities engineering. MIF, quantity surveyor. Joan Francesc Marí, site segurity control. Rosa Gurrea, Glenda Graziani, history and archeology. BM Lighting design. Starp, photography.
PublicationsPAEF 04–07. Premis d’arquitectura d’Eivissa i Formentera. Europaconcorsi.
Awards2on Prize Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad, Ministerio de Cultura.